The Crowded Room Review ~ Filled With Fantastic Acting & Intriguing Mystery

Image Courtesy of IMDb

The Crowded Room has so many things I love in a TV show. It has amazing acting, twists and surprises, and it starts at the conclusion and lets the story unfold layer by layer slowly showing us all the cards. It’s so intriguing to me to wonder throughout the show what has lead all of the characters to the ending. And this show has so many layers.

Tom Holland plays Danny, a young man in 70’s New York who is arrested after a shooting. Through his interviews with interrogator, Rya (Amanda Seyfried) Danny’s story unfolds. Tom Holland’s performance is stellar. His character requires so much range and he is captivating. His entire life all the way up to the shooting is explained and it is filled with drama, heartbreak, and mystery.

My advice is to not read any more reviews before you watch. I read too much and it somewhat ruined my experience of the show by giving away some surprises. The show was still amazing but it would have been nice to have been surprised. This is a well written and beautifully acted show. You should check it out and let me know what you think in the comments.

Good Stuff: Tom Holland’s acting, great story

Bad Stuff: slow start

Where to Watch: Apple TV