Reboot Review ~ Reminiscing with a fun cast

Image courtesy of Hulu

Reboot is a comedy about getting back that magic of the past – reminiscing. Most of us love that. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. And the same is true for the characters of this show. A TV showrunner decides to revive a TV show from the early 2000’s and bring back all the original actors. All of their dysfunction returns with them and chaos soon follows. So Reboot is a show within a show.

Contrasting characters create the laughs

Highlighting the differences in the characters is what creates the most laughs (past vs. present, old vs. young, father vs. daughter). Reed (Keegan-Michael Key) and Bree (Judy Greer) were in a relationship while filming the original show but haven’t seen each other in years. Now they are awkwardly being reunited for the reboot, much to the dismay of Reed’s girlfriend. This creates many uncomfortable moments. Also, there are writers from the original show mixed with new, younger writers for the reboot. They have the most hysterical and opposing viewpoints and some of the funniest scenes on the show.

Fun cast and heart too

If I’m not sure if a show is for me I always give it at least three episodes. Some shows have a slow start and need a minute to get their footing. I’m glad I gave this one some time. It has a fun cast. Aside from those already mentioned, Johnny Knoxville (Jackass!) is in it! And Paul Reiser (Mad About You) too. Also, the heart came shining through near the end of the season. And I’m a sucker for that.

Good Stuff: fun cast, show within a show, contrast between younger and older writers

Bad Stuff: slow start, cringey at times

Where to watch: Hulu