Outer Banks Season 3 Review ~ More Trouble in Poguelandia

Image Courtesy of Netflix

**Warning** Do not read this if you have not watched previous seasons of Outer Banks. It is a spoiler free review of SEASON 3 but does contain information from prior seasons.

When we last saw the pogues and the kooks there was a lot of drama as well as some serious surprises. John B and his buddies lost the infamous golden cross to Rafe at the last minute. Ward is not dead! But he tried to strangle his daughter so he’s definitely still crazy. John B and his crew ended up on a deserted island and decided to make the best of it. And the season ends with the biggest shocker: Big John Routledge (John B’s dad) is still alive!!

Immediate action

Season 3 of Outer Banks picks up a few weeks later. John B, Sarah, Kiara, Pope, JJ, and Cleo are still on the island they have appropriately named Poguelandia. Then they spot a plane and the adventure begins again. No time is wasted getting to the action.

All the dad’s are back

Ward being alive will, of course, cause a stir. He is an emotionally disturbed man. But John B’s father being alive is a big part of this season. It has a huge effect on John B and affects his emotions and behavior in many ways. I have to say I had not thought about his dad much but he isn’t what I thought he would be like. Anyway, John B’s relationships with Sarah and with his friends will be affected by his dad’s return.


There are some hiccups between the friends this season. But I love their closeness. Their situation and all the trauma they have experienced has brought them all very close and their bonds are really special. Their lives have been in danger repeatedly and they have survived these things together and sometimes because of each other. They trust each other more than anyone else and that is really beautiful. They would do anything for each other.

Beautiful locations

This is a fun show to watch. The adventure is exciting. The locations change frequently and settings are so beautiful. Apparently, the show is filmed in Charleston, South Carolina and in Barbados. It is fast paced and visually intriguing.

Fun for all ages

One of the things I really like about this show is how it appeals to so many age groups. It’s reminiscent of some of my favorite movies like Indiana Jones and Goonies. But my younger friends in their 20’s and 30’s love it too. I also watched it with my 12 year old daughter who says it’s one of her favorite shows. The treasure hunting, adventure, action, teen drama, and romance all tied together appeal to a wide range of viewers. And just like prior seasons, there will be surprises.

Good Stuff: Fun for everyone, beautiful settings, fun adventure

Bad Stuff: not a fan on Big John’s character

Where to Watch: Netflix