Kaleidoscope Review ~ A Unique Experience

Image courtesy of Netflix

Kaleidoscope is an exciting story about the ultimate heist involving a master thief and his chosen crew as they attempt to rob the “most secure vault in the United States”. The stakes are high, and the plan is dangerous. There is also years of betrayal and revenge mixed in to make it much more interesting.

Ways to watch Kaleidoscope

But even more interesting are the different ways to watch Kaleidoscope. Most of the hype about this show revolves around the fact that Netflix claims the episodes can be watched in any order as long as the “White” episode is last. Netflix randomly assigns an order for you to watch the episodes in. Or you can watch them however you like. There are numerous posts online regarding the best order to watch Kaleidoscope. Some examples are chronologically, rainbow order, heist first, reverse order, etc.

How I watched it

I opted to let Netflix choose my order so I could have the intended experience. I was not disappointed. The episodes seemed to flow well. Obviously, there were major time jumps but it didn’t seem too confusing. This was my order:

  • Yellow – 6 Weeks Before
  • Green – 7 Years Before
  • Blue – 5 Days Before
  • Orange – 3 Weeks Before
  • Violet – 24 Years Before
  • Red – The Morning After
  • Pink – 6 Months After
  • White – The Heist

So does the episode order make a difference in how the observer experiences it? Maybe! Maybe some ways are more ideal than others but I believe in Netflix’s theory that any order will work. I can say that I enjoyed it the way I watched it. Honestly, I thought watching the heist after I saw what happened after the heist was going to ruin the whole thing but that was not the case.

Check out this thrill ride

While the concept is fun, it’s not the only fun part. Kaleidoscope is thrilling and action packed. Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad) plays Leo Pap, master thief and leader of this talented group of criminals. He has a long history with another character, Roger Salas (Rufus Sewell) that has impacted his life in many ways. In fact, the long history is one of my favorite parts of this show. Kaleidoscope spans 25 years so you get to see many changes in the characters over time. Each episode is like it’s own story with lots of surprises and twists! Check this one out!

Good Stuff: Unique watching experience, exciting story

Bad Stuff: Possibility of dissatisfaction with episode order ?

Where to Watch: Netflix