Dead to Me ~ A Killer Final Season

Image courtesy of Netflix

**Warning** Do not read this if you have not watched previous seasons of Dead to Me. It is a spoiler free review of SEASON 3 but does contain information from prior seasons.

The last season of Dead to Me ended with Jen and Judy involved in a hit and run. A very drunk Ben Wood was shown leaving the scene. Their fates were to be determined. This final season picks up right where we left off and keeps moving at high speed from there.

Life changing moments

There are life changing moments for both Jen (Christina Applegate) and Judy (Linda Cardellini) early in the season. They have to decide if keeping secrets from each other is a good idea. Considering how their relationship started it is hard to believe it has evolved into such a deep friendship. But these two make you believe it. In real life, Christina Applegate was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about halfway through filming the final season. But that didn’t stop her from being just as funny and bold as ever.

More Ben this season

Ben (James Marsden) takes on a bigger role this season as he struggles with the hit and run, his drinking, and his brother’s death. He is delightful and his relationship with a reluctant Jen is hysterical. I find when an actor plays twins it can be confusing to watch but James Marsden is great at differentiating between Steve and Ben. Officer Nick is obsessed with finding out what happened to Steve. Detective Perez is hell bent on preventing him from figuring out the truth.

A solid ending

The good news is that all of the loose ends are tied up. Just the way a series finale should be. Nothing annoys me more than a series ending with a cliffhanger or unanswered questions. Jen and Judy prove they will do anything for each other. They lean on each other in the hard times. And they find humor and forgiveness in the midst of grief.

Good Stuff: Ben’s expanded role, Jen and Judy’s deeper friendship, satisfying ending

Bad Stuff: A couple of unbelievable legal things (if that stuff bothers you), Officer Nick’s hot-and-cold character

Where to watch: Netflix