Dash & Lily~A Fun Holiday Romance

Image courtesy of Netflix

Lily is full of holiday cheer but has no one to share it with. Dash is cynical and hates Christmas. But when he finds a red notebook that sends him on a scavenger hunt of dares, his spirits begin to lift. Lily and Dash pass the notebook back and forth sharing their thoughts and dreams without meeting. And the sweetest young romance begins.

They understand each other

Lily (Midori Francis) is so innocent and likable. She’s like sunshine and you are rooting for her every step of the way. Dash (Austin Abrams) starts out a little negative but quickly shows he has a lot in common with Lily and they understand each other in ways no one else does. The way they challenge and encourage each other is exciting to watch.

More than a holiday romance

There is so much more to this little story than you might expect. It is a heartwarming holiday romance but it also touches on being rejected, self esteem, bullying, second chances, trying new things and growing up. It’s fun to watch. This is my second time actually. I watched it last year before Christmas and this year I watched it with my daughter. She loved it too.

Holiday spirit!

Did I mention it takes place in New York City which is always a great setting for a Christmas show? So if you have just a little bit of time, check this one out. It is a sweet show with likable characters and some holiday spirit just in time for Christmas.

Good Stuff: Fun, original story, likable characters, quick watch

Bad Stuff: No season 2 🙁

Where to watch: Netflix