The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

Image Courtesy of AMC

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon finally aired its 6 episode first season and it did not disappoint. Of all the spin-offs I have definitely been looking forward to this one the most. When I heard it was going to be set in France I was a little concerned it would be far-fetched but Daryl’s backstory slowly comes together and it begins to become plausible how he got to there.

In France, Daryl ends up at a convent and the nuns feel that he is just the man to safely transport 12-year-old Laurent (Louis Puech Scigliuzzi) to another location. They consider Laurent to be quite special and have been protecting him his whole life. Daryl agrees to do this in return for safe passage back to America. And, of course, chaos ensues.

The setting of France is a real treat. Seeing all the beautiful scenery, architecture, buildings, and famous landmarks through the lens of the zombie apocalypse is unique and a fun change. Due to the authenticity there are some subtitles and I do hate to read TV but I understand the necessity and I didn’t feel it was excessive.

I truly loved the show. The storyline, setting, and characters are very different from the original show. However, the overall themes are still there. What I find so interesting about this Walking Dead Universe is how the apocalypse changes people. The stories, struggles, and triumphs that comes from that is what are so interesting. And it still applies here. Also, Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) has so much more depth as a character. And I love having a show dedicated to him, my favorite character. What could be better than that? Season 2! It’s coming! And Carol will be there too!!!

Good Stuff: Norman Reedus! Quality acting, Great Setting, Interesting Story

Bad Stuff: Subtitles

Where to Watch: AMC/AMC+