Fubar Review ~ Nostalgia and Action Packed

Image Courtesy of Netflix

Fubar is about Luke Bruner (Schwarzenegger), a retiring CIA operative who gets called back for one last assignment and then finds out his daughter, Emma, is also in the CIA. Luke and Emma must work together which makes their already strained relationship even more tense. Hiding their CIA status from their family, taking out the bad guys and dealing with their own romantic relationships are just a few of the many obstacles they face during this very entertaining series.

Schwarzenegger brings the nostalgia

TV today is so extremely smart and amazing. Sometimes it takes itself too seriously. Sometimes you just want to watch a show that’s fun. Fubar is so much fun to watch. It immediately brought me back to the days when Arnold Schwarzenegger was king of the action movies (think True Lies). It reminded me why we all liked his movies so much. It’s not that I personally think he’s the best actor ever. There is just something endearing about him in these roles that makes it enjoyable to watch. It’s just that simple.

It’s just the right amount of action and fun

So if you need a break from all the seriousness of life, or TV, give Fubar a chance. It’s funny and action packed. It’s a quick watch. Your life will not be forever changed by this show but you will be entertained and you will enjoy it. And sometimes that is all you need. 🙂

Good Stuff: Nostalgia, Funny, Action packed

Bad Stuff: ?

Where to Watch: Netflix