Ted Lasso Review ~ Winning Matches, Emmy’s, and Our Hearts

Image Courtesy of Apple TV+

Ted Lasso snuck up on me. Honestly I watched the first episode and wasn’t very interested. A friend insisted I give it another try so I did. Then I found myself constantly looking forward to watching it. It was so much more than I expected.

Ted Lasso makes an impression

Ted Lasso is an American football coach from Kansas who decides to move to England to coach a professional soccer team. He has no soccer coaching experience and little knowledge about his new home in England. But he loves coaching and he loves people. The odds are against him and so is his new community including the soccer fans, press, and even some of his players but Ted refuses to give up. It’s fun to see Ted’s influence over all of their lives over 3 seasons. He definitely makes an impression on everyone from the owner of the team to the owner of the local pub to the team therapist and everyone in between.

Emmy winning actors and lovable characters

Ted is played by Jason Sudeikis (We’re the Millers, SNL). You cannot help but love him. I dare you. Sudeikis has won two Emmy’s playing Ted so far. Ted wouldn’t get far without his bestie and fellow coach, Beard, played by Brendan Hunt (Horrible Bosses). Coach Beard helps Ted with all the rules of soccer that he doesn’t know and facts about England. But he is as quirky as they come which comes to light in later episodes. I also have to mention Roy Kent played by Brett Goldstein because, aside from Ted, he is my absolute favorite. Roy starts out very gruff but begins to show his softer side. Goldstein has also won two Emmy’s for Supporting Actor for his role.

Great character relationships

One thing this show does extremely well is explore the relationships between all of the characters. They all have relationships with Ted but also there are romantic relationships and friendships between the other characters that are special and meaningful. There are many characters. And they are all complicated and worth your time. I hated to say goodbye to them at the end.

If it had to end…

If you have read any of my other reviews you know I cannot resist a show with “heart”. And my goodness, by the time I got to the end of Ted Lasso my own heart was exploding. This show is funny and sweet with enough edginess that it doesn’t feel sappy. It’s just good. I didn’t want it to end but it was a satisfying ending.

Good Stuff: So much heart! So many characters to love

Bad Stuff: Give it a few episodes to get going

Where to Watch: Apple TV+