Inside Man Review ~ Watch it! Exciting series, Incredible acting

Image courtesy of Netflix

In Inside Man, David Tennant (Doctor Who) plays Harry, an English vicar (clergyman) who has made a terrible error in judgement while trying to help a member of his church and also protect his family. Stanley Tucci (Hunger Games) plays Jefferson Grieff, a death row inmate in the US who is allowed to assist people with unsolved cases. He was a criminology professor and considered brilliant which he proves throughout the show. Somehow, these stories will cross paths.

This one came highly recommended

I try to keep these reviews somewhat brief, but I could go on about this show for days. I really didn’t know what Inside Man was about when I started it so I had no expectations. But when someone you trust insists that you watch a show, well what choice do you have? (Thank you, Melissa!)

Intrigued from the very beginning

From the very first scene I was intrigued. The scene has little to do with the actual story but it sets up a relationship and the writers are already starting to show important parts of their characters. The writers weave together two seemingly unrelated stories and I could not wait to find out how it all ended up. And it’s all done in only 4 episodes!

Unrealistic at times, not a deal-breaker

If I’m being completely honest, there are a couple of plot points that are unrealistic. I know this is done to move the story in a certain direction. If this is something that bothers you so much that it will ruin a show for you then maybe this is not the one for you. But if you can look past that, then you will not be sorry. Personally, I do not require every show I watch to be based completely in reality.

Exciting mini series

Inside Man is exciting, intense, and emotional. In the last episode I was on the edge of my seat. And I couldn’t believe what was happening. I loved that it was surprising even when I thought it was finished being surprising. I was lost in it. The quality of the acting is superb. I haven’t felt this much watching a show in a while. I would love to hear about your reactions. Leave a comment after you watch.

Good Stuff: Amazing acting, Intriguing story, Exciting until the end

Bad Stuff: Implausible plot points at times, Making a murderer likable 🙁

Where to Watch: Netflix