From Scratch Review ~ Don’t Miss It!

Image courtesy of Netflix

In From Scratch, Amy travels to Italy to pursue her artistic dreams against her father’s wishes. There she meets Lino, a chef from Sicily. The next 8 episodes follow the ups and downs of their lives together and there are quite a few.

From Scratch has all the ingredients of a hit!

This Netflix original is absolutely worth your time. I cannot remember the last time I watched a TV show with so much heart. It is filled with culture, relatable family dynamics, real world themes, and enjoyable characters. Zoe Saldana (Amy) and Eugenio Mastrandrea (Lino) have amazing chemistry and I couldn’t imagine anyone else playing either of their roles.

It’s more than just a love story

Your heart will be warmed and you will cry. A lot. Unless you are heartless. 🙂 Honestly, I was surprised by how much I loved this show. On the exterior it appears to be a love story but really it is a show about life. And it is not to be missed.

Good Stuff: Characters / Actors, Abundant plot points, so much heart
Bad Stuff: Let me know if you think of something

Where to watch: Netflix